2019 Round Up – A Full Year!

With 2019 coming to a close, we’re reflecting on a year filled with activities including: advising clients on their projects, expanding our network, participating in and presenting at international conferences, and establishing a workshop format for project review and strategy conception.

Here’s a look at some of our highlights:

Initial review

Initial review is our first, free of charge, exposure to a new project – and a potential client’s first exposure to us and how we work. It has, therefore, been particularly pleasing that 85% of projects have moved from this stage to full engagement. We like to think that we must be getting something right!


We have developed a workshop format facilitating a more interactive feedback to project teams with activities ranging from data review to strategic discussions regarding partnering activities and positioning. We set up the workshops to address the specific needs of the client; for some, this included bringing key stakeholders from our network and beyond to the discussion. In 2019, we ran six workshops in total for customers ranging from service providers to biotechs. You can read more about our workshops here.


We have had a busy year on the conference front, attending both scientific and business focussed conferences in many locations across the globe. These are important to us, allowing us to keep up to date with important developments in our therapeutic areas of interest, as well as helping us maintain and develop our client base.

We were invited to present keynote talks at the annual Fraunhofer Conference on Respiratory Disease Models (Hannover), and presented at the 3rd Annual Fibrosis Drug Discovery Meeting (Boston). Additionally, we gave presentations at the ELRIG Drug Discovery Conference (Liverpool) and co-presented on posters at the ATS (Dallas) and ERS (Madrid).

A highlight for us was being asked to organise a session at the annual Bio2Business Meeting (Basel) where we showcased how we worked with clients using our workshop approach. We were joined in the session by clients we had worked with in the last year.

You can keep up to date on all the latest events by visiting our news page.

Our Network

In 2019, we have strengthened our network, delivering together with partners on projects. A highlight was the addition of ImmunoConsulting, which supports high-quality project analysis and clients with projects with an immunology focus, particularly in the immuno-oncology space.

Looking ahead to 2020

A key ambition for the next year is to make indication-specific strategy workshops more widely available through a “crowd sourcing” model. We laid the foundations for this in 2019 and now hope to deliver the first workshop early in 2020. The first two workshops in this format will focus on IPF and Scleroderma. In addition, having established a successful working model, we are keen to make it more widely visible and will aim to actively promote and bolster our capabilities and expertise beyond fibrosis.

Thank you for being a part of our journey in 2019. We wish you a relaxing and inspiring Christmas and and a great New Year – and we look forward to seeing you in 2020!